Redefine Your Bloodline
The era of fostering resilient men by leveraging masculinity as a social frontier is over. Conforming to so-called “masculine norms” is a dying brand. Today, we recognize that embracing vulnerability empowers men to create lasting change for future generations. Our upbringing was rooted in the centuries-old belief that men must harbor emotions to appear strong. If you still believe this, you are lying to yourself. True honor lies in the courage to speak up, not in the pride that keeps emotions buried.
Globally, the suicide rate is twice as high among men than women. In the United States alone, it is four times that of women. Moreover, men who strictly follow the traditional norms of masculinity are more likely to exhibit violent behavior toward women and their partners. We have done ourselves a great disservice by not instilling in our children true virtues that nurture confidence and inner peace. We cannot continue to pass on the generational burden of the “quintessential man.” Many great men are foraging this path for men’s health, but it is not enough.
If you read this and it speaks to you, you find enlightenment. Do not let the world dictate who you must be. Understand that it is OK to ask for help, it is OK to let yourself feel your emotions, and, importantly, it is OK to speak about them. If you have no one to turn to, reach out via the form in the contact section. I will not push you away. You are not alone, and your emptiness is understood. Our father’s definition of weakness is not a personality trait but a character flaw. I challenge you to break your cycle and redefine your bloodline.